Jan - diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago which has now spread. Looking to chat with others

Hi all ,I've just came across this site so thought I'd give it a try , 2 years diagnosed with breast cancer that has travelled to my left hip and spine , treatment is doing a good job so far , tablet form chemo , I'm mostly very positive but do have off days and would be nice to chat with people going through the same experience 

  • I am about to start TMZ chemo tablets for the second time in 2 years . Daunting as I thought I was done , the recurrence was a blow, and trying to get back to believing it will be OK is difficult.  Last time I cycled through my treatment,  I find training a great way to clear the mind and focus on positives . I am currently recuperating at my sisters as had to cancel my family holiday I sent my wife and son without me !) Next week when the chemo starts I will be getting out in the fresh air on my bike, walking my dog and training to run the marathon next year. I struggle to *** my mind off especially at night , but if I am tired , I'll sleep. If I don't have a goal tonwork towards , I'll just sit worrying about the things I can't control. So I take control!. Hope this helps in someway  x 

  • I'm so sorry paul the cancer has returned , but you've beat it once and you will do it again !! I'm stage 2 so I'll never be cancer free and will be taking the tablets all my life ,I can't walk very far so need a wheel chair and my daughter takes me out shopping etc  I'm sure you will do fantastic at the marathon also , thats a great achievement 

  • Sorry to hear you are reliant on a  wheelchair,  entering the marathon is a distraction, so I don't focus on the fact my Glioblastoma will return , and unless a more permanent treatment is found whilst I am stong enough to follow my distractions , I will give up which is the worst thing any of us can do , stay strong and believe you can , statistics are just a number . My wife can't talk far due to having a crumbling spine , so I bought her a mobility scooter so she can get out and enjoy some independence,  is that an option for you ? Maybe through a mobility scheme?

  • I had one and found it more if a hindrance to be honest.  When I go shopping I use the stores that have the mobility scooter  and if they don't I use the wheel chair  I'm looking into buying a rollator with the seat I feel it might be beneficial 

  • The Rollator is a good idea , my wife uses one if she is going out and can't take her mobility scooter . I got her the scooter to enable her to go out independently if she wants to, as we  live on the edge of a park. She will also be able to ride next to me when I go out running to help motivate me and so we can spend time together  whilst we can . 

  • Yeah it sounds as though the scooter is ideal for her , wish it had worked out for me but wasn't meant to be   I think it's great what you are doing and achieving,  cancer has taken a lot away from my life but I'm truly grateful for what I have left