Diagnosed with lung cancer 4 weeks ago, waiting for surgery

Diagnosed 4 weeksxago. But consider myself fortunate. No symptoms..routine scan. Turns out stage 1 .primary and 100 percent treatable...waiting for lung surgery to remove the little ***.but. absolute terrified

  • I had my diagnosis last week. I really know how you feel, scared,but hopeful.

  • Understand this I have thymoma cancer I’m waiting for surgery and it’s terrifying, good luck with your surgery xxx

  • Hi maria20.  I’m Audrey. 58yr old female 
    i had stage 1 lung cancer 6 years ago

    due to its position, i  had full right upper lobe removed. You may be able to have a wedge resection which is taking out the tumour along with a clear margin around. These get sent to pathology to check margin is clear of cancer cells and as long as they are you may not need any further treatment. Sometimes they will recommend chemotherapy afterwards to reduce the chance of it coming back, but ghat depends on many factors

    I understand your fear as I was exactly the same. It’s absolutely normal to be worried but the team that will look after you will be the absolute best, trust me andthey won’t push you before you are ready. 
    they did a PET CT scan before surgery to make sure there wasn’t any other concerns and lung function tests to check suitability for general anaesthetic surgery as well as heart checks and bloods  

    the surgery was pretty straightforward and although uncomfortable trying to sleep afterwards ( I  always used to sleep on my right side )  I felt pretty good. Recover took some time but I was up and about on day 2. They like to get you mobile doing light excercise as soon as possible to get your lung function back up. 
    My lung function post surgery was 98% 

    I did feel quite anxious walking about initially due to medication making me feel woozy but you just have to remember everything and anything in moderation. Having a 
    positive attitude is half the battle so try and be strong as difficult as it is. 
    im sure there will be many people on here that may also share there many experiences with you and try to boost your spirits. 

    I had another legion picked up on my first post operative scan 6 months later. It was yet again small but on left side upper lobe this time. I had active surveillance for 5 years. It remained stable but then last October 2022 started to grow. PET CT was repeated and it was confirmed stage 3 cancer. I was fortunate that I could undergo surgery again and had another operation to remove half the top left lobe in the November. 
    pathology reported 3 tumours in the lung they removed so had to then undergo chemotherapy to “ mop up” any stray cells. 
    lung function post 2nd surgery, still 98% which isn’t bad considering Iv one and a half lobes missing so there’s always hope

    im nearly back to normal physically and doing quite well. 
    I got the all clear in April and rang the bell. 
    so stay positive and as healthy as you can for your surgery and I wish you all the best going forward on your journey. 
    please do keep us updated on how you are. you will be in my thoughts and I’ll be  keeping my fingers crossed for you x

  • Hi audrey. Thank you so much for the in depth info....what wonderful news that you are clear....u would think you have suffered enough....I know the journey I have ahead of me,as,I unfortunately watched my brother ho through it......I can deal with any pain etc that they wish to throw at me....I am just terrified I won't get off the table....I am fortunate in tge respect mine is stage 1..primary...but at nearly 72...I think eek....may heart is strong..my blood sugars etc are all spot on.  . Doing 3verything I can to keep in the best possible place before surgery..which I am told will be within 2 weeks...

    Many thanks for your kind words and support

  • Hi audrey..just wanted to share with you.my surgery is scheduled for tomorrow. Eek. I am terrified to say the least.. but staying strong..been riding exercise bike.. did 5 and half mile walk on Saturday.. trying to keep lungs expanded..once again. Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to check in with such an  informative post...


  • Hi maria20

    sorry for the late reply. We are currently in Turkey on day 2 of a 10 night stay and the WiFi is a bit hit and miss. 
    that was really quick to hear about your surgery happening tomorrow. Hopefully the speed will mean you won’t have had to much time to overthink it all. 
    I hope all goes well for you and I’m sure it will 

    you will probably go to HDU for the first 24 hours as is normal, but please do take care and let me know how you are once you’re up to it. I hope you have plenty of support afterwards once home from hospital but I’m here if you need to talk n while I’m away I’ll respond as soon as is possible WiFi permitting 

    take care x

  • Good evening audrey..I hope you are enjoying your holiday.

    Just thought u would update you on my surgery..surgeon very pleased, quite confident he hot it all....sent my lymph nodes off for testing,as, he thought they looked a bit strange.but says that could be because of copd.

    Allin all went well. Ho.e now and getting stronger by the day.

    Many thanks for your reassurance 


  • Aw that’s good news maria20 that your surgeon is happy with how it went and glad your getting stronger by the day  

    do try not worry if they decide to offer you some other treatment as that is like back up to your surgery to reduce the risk of reoccurrence so not a bad thing 

    I hope you have plenty of help and support on hand during your recovery 

    please take care and keep us updated on your progress xx