I was already incurable when diagnosed with Lung cancer

Diagnosed out of the blue with stage 4 metastatic lung cancer I Dec 21 shook my life. I have been on a trial drug because I have an egfr gene that can be targeted. 2 1/2 years on and I have progression on my spine and have developed compression and fracture. So disappointed as this is not good prognosis. At the hospital in the morning to learn what if anything can be done. 

  • Welcome to the forum Tinab24 although I'm sorry to hear that your cancer has progressed to your spine.

    This must be such a difficult time but I really do hope you received some favourable news when you went to the hospital the other day.

    If there is anything that was mentioned at this appointment that you would like to discuss further with one of our cancer nurses, you can do so on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're really easy to talk to and will do all that they can to help.

    Hopefully you will hear back from the community soon Tinab24 but in the meantime, we're thinking of you and sending all our support your way.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator