Neuroendocrine bowel cancer

I'm due to go into hospital this month for a neuroendocrine cancer removed from my small bowel,one appointment has bee  cancelled due to not received a us tissue doppier echocardiogram which will be on the 18th July, chest pain and wheezing has been going on for several years so this test will check the arteries in my heart,I also am awaiting treatment for stomach ulsers next January,the cancer has also spread through my nymph modes,has anyone undergone this operation,, doctor says it's a 10 hour operation with side effects ,my nerves and anxiety are at the highest level ,I'm afraid that I'm going to die,I've never had an operation in my life,I just wondered if there was any one out there experiencing the same ,or someone already  cured of there neuroendocrine cancer 

  • Hi Marie1863,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. This sounds like a lot to be dealing with so I can understand your worries about this. I hope that it's not too long to wait for the procedure. Do be sure to discuss any concerns about it with the doctor beforehand if you would like to.

    Hopefully you'll get some more replies to your post here soon, particularly if anyone with similar experience sees it. You can also search the forum (using the bar at the top of the page) for other relevant discussions and people to connect with, if you would like to.

    We are always here for support if you need it, and I hope that the forum can be helpful for you.

    We do also have nurses available if you'd like to talk things through at all. You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 (Monday-Friday, 9-5).

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator