Neuroendocrine tumor

Hi I'm new to this site.  I would like to  introduce my self and let you know what brought me to this site. I was rushed in to hospital in 2022 because I had pains in my stomach. I had a GI bleed A week earlier.They gave me a CT scan to find I had A blood clot (portal vein thrombosis) further test they found a small mass in my Duodenum but the were  unable to take a biopsy. They monitored it for a year and I have recently had a CT scan and the mass had increased in size only by 1mm now total size 13mm a neuroendocrine tumor was suspected. Good news the blood clot has gone I have just had a full body scan and talking to the nurse that is dealing with me he said I had a neuroendocrine tumor he is still waiting for the blood results.The nurse said they have caught it early and he will be my nurse moving forward. The only symptoms I have had since about 2017 I have been suffering from fatigue, a pain in the top of my stomach and my bowel habits has changed.. The doctors put it down to stress but I felt it was more. Now just waiting for the hospital to call me in to let me know the next step. 

Just wondering if anyone else can relate and give advice