Cin1 cain 1 high risk hpv HELP

Hi I've just had the LLETZ and ablation due to CIN1 and VAIN1. The cervix was treated with the Loop and then the top of the vagina treated by ablation all under GA. I've had a letter back to say the CIN1 was excised fully but the biopsies have found VAIN1. I've tried to contact the oncologist to discuss these but cannot get a call back for about a month. This has all been very scary. I'm still bleeding following the surgery in June and am uncomfortable walking or sitting for too long. I'm not sleeping well as it's the last thing I think about at night and first thing when I wake.

I've previously nursed my husband for 12years following malignant melanoma which he sadly died from in 2017. Knowing how quickly cancer can spread terrifies me.

I have had abnormal cells results from the smear tests since 2007 but nothing was done apart from yearly smear tests.

I've asked my GP for support, and been signed off work for 8 weeks, supported by occupational health at work. 

I feel so isolated and scared. I'm 59yrs old and in a relationship so worried about how this will affect my private life going forward. As many have said I'm frightened of passing anything to my partner.

  • Hello Sooziwales,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I see from your post that you are worried about some symptoms you have. When you’re worried that you may have cancer, it can be to think the worst, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor. It's important that abnormal cells are monitored so it's good that's happening. Do keep trying to contact your oncologist and we have some advice on our website about treatment for abnormal cells. It might also to talk to your loved ones about how you're feeling no doubt your partner will be supportive.

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia