Hi! Waiting for first appointment

Hello everyone! I have been diagnosed with breast cancer on 22/6/24. I'm waiting for my appointment with...? this Tuesday. Hopefully I'll find out the results of the biopsy and get a treatment plan.

It's excruciating to wait for results. Some days have been okay, others haven't. Most of all, I am worried about the waiting times for treatment. I am trying to work as usual, but I can't focus. All this worrying is making me extremely tired. How much more waiting is there going to be? Do I need more tests or scans? What if it spreads while I'm waiting?

This is one hell of a ride people. I just don't know how to cope except foe doing my usual stuff and sleep.......

How is everyone coping?

  • Hello lovely 

    I totally get where your coming from my awful journey has been going on for 4weeks now and I'm still not got any certain answers now awaiting a biopsy from a specialist team at a different hospital which in it self is scary ,I've been referred under the 2week act and my nerves are shot to bits it's been 4weeks of hell ...i agree the waiting takes over and your mind takes you to some real dark places honestly no one can come close to knowing how it's feels unless they have been here ...I wouldn't wish this on anyone ..

    Try keep your mind busy work helps me sometimes if I'm having good day if I'm on a bad day I can end up doing more damage then good at work BUT I have more good days then bad which is good, lots beach walks or just walks in general, my daughter keeps me busy to but I do struggle of an eve when she goes bed so half time I take myself to bed when she does ...

    I really hope you get some answers soon and the wait isn't to long please just know your not alone and can find some comfort from this site I personally find this site helps me alot comforting in knowing we aren't alone and we are all so very strong, :-)

    I'm here if you ever need a chat or rant I'm a good listener :-) xxx

  • Thank you Mumaof2. Hopefully you'll get some more clarity on your situation too. True, work can help. I find some distraction in the people I work with.

    How lucky that you are near the beach. That sounds lovely . I walk my dog I'm the forest, which is calming.

    Good luck on your journey and thanks again. I'm happy to chat too if you need it x