Cervical cancer waiting after treatment

Hi I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in January 2B stage ,been through the stranded treatment of 5 weeks of treatment radiotherapy mon to Friday and chemo once a week ,And then brachytherapy,

I am now having to wait 12weeks to find out what has happened if the cancer is gone ,The reason have to wait is because it continues to work after you have stopped having the treatments,

But I’m finding it very hard waiting ,I think the cancer is still there I’m having the brown discharge pain in my lower abdomen and to the right side ,I think it must still be there to produce the discharge, People tell me to trust the process,But I can’t I think it could be spreading all this time waiting for a MIR to find out the result,How have other people coped with having to wait , 12weeks I feel like I’ve been tossed to one side now after treatment stopped,during treatment you get all this support see Dr often I did ask at the half way point about having a scan to find out what was happening, but they don’t do that , And did anyone by any chance have cervical cancer and still have the symptoms after treatment,? I’m 66yr old so well past menopause,And any help in how to wait to find out , without it driving you insane,This waiting is the hardest part of this and the brachytherapy was difficult 

  • Hi Pendelphin,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I can understand that the waiting to find out more must be very difficult, and dealing with the not knowing and the uncertainty. If you are struggling with any issues in the meantime, do speak to your doctor about this if you feel you need some support with it.

    As this is part of their treatment process and you mention it continues to work after the actual treatment, try to take a bit of reassurance from this. Some people find that it helps to keep busy while waiting and to focus on other things as much as possible, taking things one day at a time. I know this can be easier said than done.

    Hopefully this forum can be of some support to you too during this time, and if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator