Womb Cancer


not sure why I’m writing this because there are no answers at this point but I’m siddenly not dealing with that very well. 

I have a 10cn tumour growing in the muscle wall of my womb. I’ve had an ultra sound, hysterics copy, biopsy , & MRI scan to get this far. It could be a fibroid. But could also be cancerous or pre cancerous. I am now being sent for a CAT scan and then they will discuss my case at a multi disciplinary meeting. Lots of tests and no further forward really. 

it has all happened very quickly and I’ve been fine up until last night. I sleep really badly and then this morning googled. That size of tumour is a stage 4 which means it has spread to near organs and is incurable? Can it still be a plain old not malignant tumour? 

  • Good morning Storm2

    I'm really sorry to hear that you're waiting for news at the moment. We know that for many people this period of uncertainty can be very difficult and when we don't have answers it's natural that our minds can run away to a worst-case scenario. 

    Please try to avoid searching Google for information. It won't give you answers to your situation and will leave you feeling more worried. Instead, I'd suggest giving our team of nurses a call today. I know that many people have found it really helpful to be able to talk with someone when they are struggling with the wait and uncertainty. The nurses will be happy to listen and offer any support and advice they can. If you'd like to talk with them they're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pmon 0808 800 4040. 

    Try to keep busy and think positively Storm2. Keep in touch and let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator  

  • Hi Storm2

    Sorry that you find yourself here and so worried.  Please do not consult Dr Google, it will do nothing but scare you!  I am not a doctor or nurse, but to my knowlege the size of the lump is not a cast iron guarantee of a) that it is even cancer or b) that if it is, that it has spread.  This is why looking on google is not good.  From my limited knowledge I think that there can be fibroids that are bigger than that!

    The very hard part of this journey is the waiting, for all of the tests to be done, biopsy results etc it just seems to go on forever.  All that we can do is try to keep calm, just deal with one day at a time and keep positive.

    And yes, I do know what I am talking about.  On 22nd May an ultrasound found a large mass on my liver, since then I have had a ct scan, mri scan and been talked about at mdt meetings and I still dont know if I have cancer.  Because of the size (11cm x 6cm x 6cm) they have decided to go straight to surgery to remove it, without even doing a biopsy. They will then test it to see if it is malignant.

    We have a choice on how to think about this, my choice is that until someone tells me that I definately have cancer, I am going to believe that it is benign.  The same amount of time is going to pass anyway, so I may as well try to save my sanity by being positive.

    Stay brave and I wish you well.
