Urinary incontinence after prostate removal

Any advice on the above would be appreciated. My prostate removal was in September 2023 so now 10 months ago. All went well and I am fit and healthy. However I am completely urinary incontinent and need some advice on what to do next. The Sphincter or Sling ops don’t appear to be that successful and appear to be quite invasive. 

  • Hi Silverfox2904, 

    I am glad that your prostate surgery went well and you are fit and healthy. It is very common to have problems with your bladder after surgery for prostate cancer and we have information on our website which you might find useful on bladder problems after treatment for prostate cancer where it mentions that "most people get better within 3 to 6 months of their operation but for some, it takes 1 or 2 years and a small number of men might have permanent urinary problems". In terms of what to do next, I think it would be a good idea to get in touch with your specialist/medical team or first get in touch with your GP for advice so that they can give you some guidance on whether they think that things will improve for you in the coming months or there are any other treatment options available to you to sort this urinary incontinence. Community continence advisers can visit you at home and you could ask to be referred to a specialist incontinence clinic. I can imagine this makes your life a little difficult on a daily basis and I hope that you have found ways to manage this at the moment. Our cancer nurses are also available on this free number 0808 800 4040 if you would like to get their insights into your situation - you can call them Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that things will improve in the long term and that you can speak to a medical expert about this very soon. 

    Other members of our community will have experienced this before and I hope that they will pop by and tell you more about how they themselves dealt with this issue.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator