Mental health and cancer diagnosis

Routine scan found growth in my cervix had appotment they had a internal look then got sent for an mri scan consultant did phone me to say sorry she should have done a biopsy but was sending me for mri which I have had now the wait to find out is it a harmless growth not looking like it though lost my mum to cancer and she was bravest woman I know going through it and I feel so bad because I feeL like I am falling to pieces here and I shouldn’t  everyone copes differently and that’s life if I am like this now dreading the results sorry the being pathetic as there is so many going through same thing just don’t know where to turn 

  • Hi Pepsimax2, 

    I am so sorry to hear this is causing you so much anxiety and I just wanted you to know that you are not alone here as many other members of our community will understand what you are going through, having had to wait for results and feeling this sense of dread. You are definitely not pathetic at all and I wanted to share with you these helpful tips to help you cope in while waiting for important news. 

    It's so sad you lost your mum to cancer but keep strong if you can as there are so many things this growth could be and it's now just this difficult waiting game until you find out for certain what this is. 

    We are keeping everything super tightly crossed for you and hope that it all turns out to be fine. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator