Calproctectin level in 3000s

I’ve returned from holiday in Bali I’d been ill with diarrhoea there and was still having problems with sore tummy felt swollen . Had poo samples and blood tests done at GPs . Had very high calproctectin 3300 I’ve been given an appointment for colonoscopy Tues , the GP mentioned cancer and IBD I’m so worried. Never had any probs before my diarrhoea has gone . Wondered if anyone else has this?

  • Hello Chennell, 

    I just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your colonoscopy on Tuesday. It's good that they are being thorough and you are being examined properly. I know the GP mentioned cancer and IBD as possibilities but there are many other conditions it could also be and the colonoscopy is a great diagnostic tool which will I am sure provide some definite answers soon. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have experienced such high calprotectin levels and that they will be along shortly to share their experience with you. I hope that things improve for you soon and that you find out more about what caused this diarrhoea and sore tummy. 

    Best of luck with your colonoscopy. I hope it all goes well on Tuesday! 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you for replying I’m a bit less panicky , do you know if I’ll get results on the day or have to wait?