
I had brain surgery four years ago to remove brain tumour which was successful.

unfortunately it is growing again and I was only told yesterday that I would need radiotherapy which I am very scared of in my head.

my husband was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4 before Christmas and is being treated with immunotherapy which has successfully reduced the tumour size. Sadly he was told last week another tumour has come which is malignant and immunotherapy isn’t helping it so he now has to start two types of chemotherapy as well as immunotherapy.

i am overwhelmed at the thought of us both having treatments with horrible side effects at the same time. We are in our early 70s and I would’ve very grateful for any mental support.

thank you if anyone is listening x

  • Hello Araminta

    I am so sorry to hear about your situation and your anticipation of side effects from the treatments for both you and your husband. I am due to have 20 sessions of radiotherapy on Monday while at the same time looking after my husband who is virtually settee bound after two major operations - stomach cancer and the removal of his gallbladder. He has other health issues too including thalassaemia, chronic kidney disease and an enlarged prostate. We are aged 81 and 82 but are able to manage if we do things at a slow pace. The house and garden have been put on the backburner for now. I only do a small bit at a time and take plenty of time to rest in between tasks. I had a lumpectomy and axillary lymphnode clearance 8 weeks ago so have not fully recovered. Cancer always springs surprises but it is possible to manage the treatments. Worrying about  the side effects, although understandable, will do more harm than good. Try not to think about what might happen but concentrate on the thought of a cure for both you and your husband. I am sure you will manage because we women are programmed to do so! We have had plenty of practice over the years.

    I have been given leaflets about radiotherapy and there is no pain involved. Perhaps a phone call to your team might reassure you.

    I send you my best wishes and hope everything goes well.


  • Hi Araminta,

    It is ok that you are overwhelmed, it is ok to feel anything and everything you are feeling. There is no set plan for emotions, no 'do's' and 'don'ts' - the one positive in all of this, if you can call it a positive, is that you both know how the other feels. You can support each other and be there for each other and if not - there is always us to come and vent to. 

    Good luck to both of you with your treatment, I will keep my fingers crossed for you and hopefully the side effects won't be too bad. 

    Once again, good luck! 


  • Offline in reply to afd

    Thank you Anne and I am in awe of you and your strength you have helped by being so positive ️

  • Thank you so much Maria it is good to get my feelings out here and not to family who understand idly are upset too x