Support for the wider family of those with cancer

I have come on here because my sis-in-law has been diagnosed with cancer again.

I wondered if there is any mental health support for the family members of someone diagnosed with cancer, who are not the carers.

Because my younger brother and I are worried about our sis-in-law, who is married to our older half-brother. 

We've just come back from a holiday in Scotland, two weeks. Me, Barbara and my brother Paul. In the car on the way, I thought, 'this will be Barbara's last holiday.'  I have kept that thought quiet. 

Whilst in the last days, Barbara broke down & said she thought it would be her last holiday. I hugged her,and said it wouldn't, we would go away again. I have secretly told my younger brother, Dave, what I had thought & he said he's been worrying for 2 weeks (he didn't go with us). I feel awfully guilty about feeling that, and I keep wanting to cry. 

I wondered if there was anyone me & Dave could talk to,to try to help us. Barbara is going to be receiving help from tomorrow, with a visit to her GP to discuss treatments. 

  • Hi Cazzatron64,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law and how her diagnosis has affected your family. I don't know what part of the country you are in. There are Maggie's centres doted throughout the country. The different locations are shown on the Maggies site. They offer support for cancer patients and their families. You can make an appointment to see a counsellor, or just pop in for a cuppa and a chat, with others affected by this disease. If there isn't a centre near you, there are other charitable organisations who also do this. Ask your GP or practice nurse for suggestions, as they will probably know, what is in your area.

    You do not say what type or stage of cancer Barbara has and whether or not the new cancer is the same as the original. You say that she is going to discuss treatments with her GP. This sounds promising, that they are still considering treatment.

    Please keep in touch with us. We are always here for you and your family.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx