THY3F and extreme fatigue

Good Evening

Background: end of March noticed a lump in my neck. 
USS April which was overlooked and apologies made after I chased the result (I’m a nurse), they called me on the Friday and had me booked in for a FNA on the Monday. 
FNA result: THY3F.

The consultant was then on annual leave so waited for next available appointment 3/6. Saw the consultant says wants to do diagnostic hemithyroidectomy within 4 weeks.

went to pre-op where they booked me for surgery 18/6/24 but over the weekend before surgery after looking into my history the anaesthetist wasn’t happy with my clotting (lots of significant unexplained bruising since 2015) so I’ve had to have some specialist FIX FXI FXII clotting bloods which take 3 weeks to come back (had on 15/6/24). 
Anyway in the last 2 weeks I’m struggling with terrible fatigue….its effective every day life (I’m usually a whirlwind) my body doesn’t want to function. I’ve spoken to my GP who thinks it’s stress related to awaiting surgery (I’ve been more stressed than this in life and not felt this fatigue). 

My question is….this fatigue has anyone had it with THY3F and is it anything to worry about? I don’t want it to be brushed under the carpet. I feel like I’ve had to chase everything since I found this lump. 

Many Thanks all

  • Hello CShill

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some health issues which have led to a diagnosis of THY3F and you're now waiting for surgery. It sounds like it's been a particularly difficult time as things haven't been as straightforward as you might have hoped. Hopefully, when the most recent blood tests for clotting come back at the end of this week, the specialists will be able to give you some reassurance and arrange a new surgery date. 

    I know that for many people, this period of waiting and uncertainty can be very difficult. Lots of people underestimate the physical toll that stress and anxiety can take on your body and it's not uncommon for people to experience real fatigue along with other health symptoms. Having said that, it's also easy to attribute new health symptoms to a period of waiting, another health issue, new medication, or lots of other causes. It's good that you've already raised this concern with your GP but if things don't improve over the coming days/weeks then do talk with your hospital team and/or your GP again so that further tests can be done if necessary. 

    If it would help to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that things progress smoothly for you. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes,
    Cancer Chat moderator