Anal cancer

Hi my names angie I've been diagnosed with T4 N 2 is that really bad ?? I'm getting a pet scan on Tuesday an a stoma on Thursday. I would love any information.  I'm scared of the pain do they give you good pain relief and sleeping tablets if you need them  

  • Hi Angie,  sorry to hear about your  diagnosis.    As for the pain during treatment, every one is different During treatment only got painful in the last three weeks of  a six week course of radiation therapy, and that was controlled by  parcetamol and  creams.. After treatment the pain was a worse for about a week, but then quickly passed.  During Chemo, i had no pain.

    I would say , try not to worry about the pain before it  happens,  as it may not be as bad as that some others have gone through. Being stressed out will make it harder for you to deal with any pain. I found a local support group where you could chat to fellow cancer patients. Also I took advantage of their massages , alternative therapies and counselling (after treatment), all of which helped me cope with things. 

    As for your staging of your cancer, ask your specialist nurse/oncologist if you are seeing them soon, or call one of the cancer help lines, they will put any worries you have in perspective.

    I have grade 4 anal cancer, and on paper the outlook should not be good, but because of the way it has presented myself, my oncologist is confident that it is curable.  With regards to 5 yr survival rates, don't take too much notice of them, as  , usually, no one can tell you how you, individually what your chances of survival are.

    Lastly, on a brighter note, I was speaking to someone who cancer has spread, who was on pallative care, but now is on a new drug, which seems to be working in curing her cancer!  New treatments are coming our all the time!

    Good luck, and look after yourself,  Michael.