Husband has secondary brain cancer

Hi there. My husband was diagnosed with brain mets in April. He has had one tumour removed surgically and three more treated with cyber knife radiotherapy.

He is becoming more tired and confused, really don't know if it's the cancer or treatment causing the problems. He is also very short tempered with me which doesn't help!  

It would be good to hear from anyone in a similar situation.

  • Hello Suziwad

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis. Understandably things are difficult for you both at the moment and it's natural that you may be experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions at the moment. 

    I know that we have had a number of members previously share the difficulties that they have experienced with caring for a loved one with incurable cancer. What support do you have Suziwad? Has your husband been referred to the palliative care team? Do you have family and friends close by who are supporting you both?

    Don't be afraid to reach out to the team responsible for your husband's care if you have questions about his treatment and/or health. Hopefully, they will be able to offer you both some support and reassurance. 

    We do have some information on our website about taking care of yourself. Do try and take some time to look after your own health as well. If it would help to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice, information and support they can. 

    Keep in touch Suziwad if it helps to have a safe space to put down in writing how you're feeling. We'll do what we can to support you. 

    Sending you both my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you for getting back to me Jenn. I am getting some support from my sons, mostly over the phone as they aren't local and have busy lives of their own...

    The local hospice has been very helpful to us both. A nurse visited us and home and we went to have a coffee there. I will probably ring them this week to arrange more contact.

    Trying hard to look after myself though all this - not easy as it seems to be all consuming just now - appointments to make etc but hopefully we will have some answers soon.

  • Hello Suziwad

    I'm glad to hear that you have some good support available from the local hospice. Sounds like a good idea to give them a call this week and see if you can access some further support. 

    It's not easy juggling everything but there are lots of people out there willing to listen and offer help if they can so don't be afraid to reach out. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator