"Sister to the Warrior: Standing Strong with My Bro Through Cancer"

Hi, I'm St3ph1, 

   My 57 year old brother was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung, throat and brain cancer. He has 5 lesions on his brain. He had been doing chemo for his throat and it shrank alot, but he just had his first radiation treatment a few days ago. He went from full mobile to barely making it from couch to the front door. He feels horrible. Horrible enough to not want to go back for round 2. I asked him are you positive you don't want to continue. He said he was going to talk to the doctors. Please can anyone say anything.... Good bad I don't care what you tell us. Just tell us something. If you ever met my brother ..... He is the best guy in the world. He is so strong. And if you heard him tell me, Stephanie.... It's okay. I'm okay ....it'll be alright. I can't imagine life without him. Which brings me to his wife Ann, whom I can't imagine how she feels ...the fear of losing the love of her life for over 20 years. I just can't believe something can come and take hostage with no mercy. 

  • Hi St3ph1,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm so sorry to hear of the situation with your brother, and that he has been struggling with treatment. This must be so difficult for you all.

    You mention he is going to speak to the doctor regarding continuing - this is good to hear and hopefully this will be helpful.

    I can see you have received a reply from one of our members to your other post on the forum, which is good. I hope that this forum can be of some support to you at this time. We are always here if ever you need it, even if it's just to write things down. It is a safe space to reach out to others who understand.

    As well as looking out for those around you, keep looking after yourself. And as I say, we're always here for you.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator