Hello - post treatment for larynx cancer

I am Ade and I was diagnosed with Larynx cancer. I completed a course of 20 radiotherapy treatments 2 weeks ago. My voice has gone. Is this normal? Will it come back? Thanks very much.


  • Hello Ademola

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently completed treatment for larynx cancer. I know from the many posts I've read on the forum how harsh the treatment can be for this diagnosis and I hope that you've been coping ok. 

    Typically radiotherapy side effects can continue to worsen for a few weeks after treatment has stopped. It's not uncommon for people to have issues with their voice during and after treatment but typically this does resolve with time. If you have concerns please do ask someone to get in touch with your clinical nurse specialist or Consultant for some advice and reassurance. 

    We do have a thread here in the Cancer Chat community where other members have shared their experiences of treatment for head and neck cancers. It's worth having a look at some of the comments and perhaps replying as you may be able to chat with others who have been through this treatment. 

    I hope things settle and improve for you over the coming weeks Ade. Do keep in touch and let us know how you are getting on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks very much for your lovely reply.