Bowel Problems

Hi I am Jacquui

i am waiting Ct results for bowel cancer and would like to know if anyone has been through this/what symptoms they had/ what diagnosis

  • HI Jacquui, 

    I am sorry to hear you've been experiencing bowel problems and you find yourself at the moment having to wait for CT scan results. It must be such an anxious time for you and I hope that you won't have to wait too long to get some clarity and a proper diagnosis. 

    So many members of our forum have been in a similar place or are currently experiencing bowel issues and I will let them come and say hello and share their story with you as it helps to talk to others who are in a similar boat. 

    The wait for results can feel really long and I thought I would share with you these helpful tips to help you cope during this anxious time. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that you find out more soon and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • I recently had a colonoscopy ..that showed a tumor ...I had previously been experiencing intermittent diarrhea and stomach pains and a routine bowel screening test revealed blood in stools ...but I can't thank bowel screening Wales enough for the speedy response and diagnosis ...

    Sending you  best wishes for a good CT scan results ...

  • Offline in reply to Bnu

    Thank you for your reply. I hope you have a speedy successful recovery. 

  • Thank you for your message and I will keep you  updated with results