Hello - lump on cervix, appointment next week

Hi everyone 

im Helle. I have to go to the gynaecologist next week. I saw my GP on Monday with a lump on my cervix. She has referred me urgently and I’m so scared as my mother had womb cancer two years ago. 
The GP said she could see and feel the lump when she examined me but it could be a polyp or cyst. I feel sick with worry as I am a carer for my daughter and she needs me so much. 
I might be overreacting but I feel so sick with worry. 

  • Hello Helle, 

    I just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your gynaecology appointment next week. You did well to go and see your GP when you found your lump on your cervix and it's good that they are being thorough and investigating it properly. It's normal to be scared especially given your family history and the fact your mum sadly died of womb cancer but this doesn't mean that the same is happening to you right now and there could be other reasons to explain this lump as the doctor said. It's important though to get this looked at properly and it won't be too long now until you see the gynaecologist and hopefully get some definite answers. 

    You are not overreacting though - it's completely understandable that you are feeling this way and to worry about your daughter  but try if you can to take one day at a time and to keep well away from the temptation to look anything up online on Google as this will only make you worry even more and give you the least likely and worst case scenario. We have helpful tips on how to cope with waiting for news which I hope will help you feel a little better during this anxious time when you are waiting for answers. 

    I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have noticed a similar lump on their cervix before and went through the same tests and that they will be along shortly to share their experiences with you. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Lucie

    Im trying to remain positive but I feel so unsettled. My sister is coming with me to the hospital. I have no other symptoms other than the lump. I am resisting looking things up on Google. 
    I will be so glad when the appointment is here as waiting is so hard. It sounds silly but I’m scared of the examination being too painful too. 
    I’m just going to try and keep busy until Wednesday. I can’t eat properly with the worry