Newbie - diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer)

Hi everyone. I feel kind of odd being on here, but I was diagnosed yesterday with basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer). I know I'm lucky in comparison to some of you, in that , from what I've read, my cancer is very treatable. It was still a massive shock though. I've had/have so many illnesses, that I'm fairly sturdy now about being told bad news! But it would be lovely to have some support from you guys xxx‍

  • Hello Gela

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma. it's understandable that this news may have come as a shock. 

    We do have a few members who have shared their stories about a BCC diagnosis.  and  are two members who have posted recently but you can read more posts by using the forum search function at the top of the page to look for the term "bcc". 

    We have some information about BCC on our website which will hopefully give you some reassurance. If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that your treatment & recovery goes smoothly.

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Gela, I have the same condition. Mine is in the crease of my nostril, very awkward to operate on however I had my surgery a few days ago (for basal cell carcinoma local flap surgery). I am feeling very sorry for myself at the moment because all of the swelling and bruising is coming out. I waited 18 months for my surgery from the first time it was looked at by my GP and consultant. When I was told I had this all I wanted was for it to be taken out of my face asap. I looked on line at so much information but really should not have because everyone has a different cancer journey. I have to go back to have my stiches out next week and have follow up appointment arrange for about six weeks. Hopefully all of the cancer has been cut out but I have been told that if it is not I will have more surgery to make sure its  gone completely. i am keeping positive and focussing on getting through this, not looking forward to seeing my scar but thankful that it has been treated. I hope you can stay positive and wish you well, hopefully you wont have to wait too long.