Parotid Adenoma

During an MRI scan a lymph node was found next to my ear. No action was taken. Five months later I had another scan which identified a parotid lesion measuring 9mms which is possibly a parotid adenoma. ‘Possibly’ is my worry and could this be cancer. This was an incidental find, as my MRI scans were for another reason, I must add.
I can’t believe this has been left for months, with no action taken by my consultant. I now have an appointment with ENT surgeon this Friday, so they’re taking it seriously. 
Worried massively, should I be worried? Any experience of this thanks? 

  • Hello Manxmoo

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently had some health problems and that those investigations have raised another concern. It's very understandable that you're feeling anxious particularly as you mention that there may have been a delay in things. 

    I can see from your post that you have an appointment with the ENT surgeon tomorrow and hopefully, they will be able to give you answers and reassurance about things. 

    If you want to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Do let us know how you get on tomorrow. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Manxmoo,

    Since the start of the year, I have recently undergone investigations for a 2.5 cm lump that was situated on the right parotid gland. 

    My story is different to yours, and I am certainly no medical professional, however I can provide some insights (as a patient) into what was discussed with my consultant and hopefully provide some perspective to help.

    After referral to ENT, my lump underwent ultrasound FNA, and a core biopsy (along with bloodtests). I had a lengthy wait for the results as the sample from my core biopsy had to be  assessed by a number of teams at different locations. Although this was incredibly worrying at the time, our wonderful specialists in the NHS were able to rule out lymphoma and confirmed that no malignant cells were found. 

    Following this, I also underwent and MRI, where the lump was assessed, and it was confirmed 2 weeks later that it was suspected to be a pleomorphic adenoma on my parotid tail, with no invasion to locally situated structures with no other lumps were seen. Fast forward 2 months, I was admitted for surgery,  and am now back at work after a partial parotidectomy, just 3 weeks ago (so lump removed). I'm now waiting for the final formal histological diagnosis from this. Key points from my consultant are:

    1. Most lumps in the parotid are benign (80%), however it can be a range of things and they are notoriously tricky to diagnose (until they remove it and test it).

    2. As it was small, not growing rapidly and localised (no other lumps seen) this was reassuring to my consultant. 

    3. Because of its localised nature, the MRI was able to inform surgical planning and assist in its removal. Chatting with my consultant, they have said that the lump in the parotid is not likely to be a secondary malignancy, and that as it is now removed (and on the small chance it transpires that it is malignant), it's likely now treated. 

    By the sounds of it, it's good you've already had an MRI as it provides a lot of information on the health of the head and neck area and the lumps physical location. I will say be prepared to be poked and prodded over the next few weeks by ENT. My advice would be to try and view any tests as building an overall picture, and not providing a yes/no for cancer. 

    Again, want to stress this is just my experience (as a random internet stranger) and not a doctor!

    Best of luck to you!