Advice re hysteroscopy procedure with biopsy

Hello, I went for an ultrasound June 9th and received a phone call from my surgery on 18th June  to make an appointment to speak with my gp which I did. I saw him the next morning where he informed me my US was abnormal and he was referring me via 2ww for urgent gynaecological investigation for suspected cancer. The hospital contacted me on 19th with an appointment to attend women’s outpatient at my local hospital for a hystoroscopy and biopsy.  I asked if I would have sedation or GA as I am extremely an ious about procedures and pain. My threshold for pain is not high. The person I spoke to asked me to attend the appointment as asked. My question is can I insist on having a GA? I’m terrified that I will be encouraged to ‘try’ without and made to feel I am wasting the consultants or person time which is not my intention. Can the hospital refuse to treat me if I say no not without a GA? My mind is in a turmoil right now as I want whatever is happening sorted out asap. I’m a mess. Last thing I want is to feel I have wasted someone’s time when I have already stated I need to have a GA.

  • Ok I had a hysteroscopy about 18 months ago I wasn't expecting it but straight after the US they took me to another room and said I needed a hysteroscopy and that they could do it now I hesitated because I wasn't sure what was involved ,they did say if I wanted to wait it would be weeks so I said I'd have it done there and then rather than wait ,if I'm being honest it was painful and I wouldn't have it done again like that but it was over and done with and they were able to tell me that they couldn't find anything nasty although I still had to wait for biopsy results ,I've heard people say their hysteroscopy wasn't that painful but mine was as we know everyone's different ,but it sounds like you might need to ask about GA ,I hope everything goes as well as possible for you .

  • Thanks for sharing this with me Jenny3109. Whilst I don’t want to prolong the waiting to know what is happening I know that I can’t bring myself to have this done awake. I’m frankly terrified by the thought of it. Glad your outcome was a good one. Fingers crossed mine will be too.

  • Hi yes the biopsy results came about a week later and were fine , I hope you don't have too long to wait .

  • I asked for a GA and it wasn't a problem at all. I was worried also incase they would try and convince me just to have sedation or feel judged but it doesn't seem to be a problem at all. Having mine next week. 

  • Offline in reply to ANH

    Thank you sooo much for replying. This has dropped my anxiety by a few notches. Did you have to wait much longer for your appt?

  • Offline in reply to MillekA

    I am glad that's helped. Perhaps a week or two longer it's hard to know. Just had my pre op yesterday and surgery is next week. My initial scan was mid May. 

  • Offline in reply to ANH

    I wish you a good outcome. Thank you so much. This really did ease my anxiety. My appointment is 29th June (a Saturday) can’t believe how quickly this has been dealt with. From gp appt to referral and next day telephone call with my appointment. Fingers crossed I don’t have to wait too long for my hysteroscopy with GA. Good luck with your surgery. 

  • Just an update. I went to my appointment on 29th June. Not going to lie I was a ball of anxiety. My consultant and the nurses were very reassuring and I was offered general anaesthetic which resulted in me bursting into tears of relief. Now waiting for pre op appt and consulting said might only be 2-3 days to wait for a short notice appointment for my hysteroscopy with GA. Just need to get through this and get results of biopsy. An appointment for second half of my health check with practice nurse at my surgery gave me abit of a shock. I’ve lost 10kg since I was last weighed. I’ve not been actively eating differently nor dieting and my activity is that of a sloth due to vertigo. I walk with a stick if outside of home. That has concerned me abit but on the whole feeling a lot more positive than when I last posted