FIT test

Hello I been having a lot of pain on my left side lower back since April I had a lot uti the GP said and then last week went back as in so much pain and the doctor asked me to do too poo sample one called fit test I got a call on Friday to see the GP on Tuesday this week due to my fit test sample is 44ug HB/G feaces I am a bit worried as I had problems with my bowels for a couple of months but never said anything to anyone ..yes I was scared to open up about it now this fit test saying blood in poo has anyone else had this before I know this might sound daft I not felt right for around six months my body I got no energy food I eat very little I lost a little bit of weight but nothing manger I looked up different things about the fit test is 44 high and positive test any help or adivce what the next steps are thank you for any reply 

  • I'm sorry to hear about the symptoms you've been contending with and for the worry they, and the results of your FIT test, are causing.

    I hope your appointment with the GP yesterday went well, but if you'd like to discuss your situation further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to answer your questions and put your mind at ease about what may happen next. 

    Many of our members have been in a similar situation to yourself Joannarie, so you are not alone, and hopefully you will get to hear about their experiences and receive some support and advice from them soon.

    We're thinking of you Joannarie and will have our fingers crossed everything will be o.k.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you Steph yes went GP she put me on a two week pathway to have camera test done so now it’s a waiting game my bowels habits have changed for the last six months going to toilet about four times a day I did tell my GP all this till yesterday as I was scared to talk to anyone about my poo habits I have no energy can’t eat right just feel like *** I am off work at moment I want to go back but GP said let wait and see what all test done my blood pressure is high at moment due to stress I think going this back to GP for bloods yo be done so they want them at hospital it’s done for them she said my family now know what going on their worried about me but I put brave face on for them saying everything going to be okay just want  the test done and results in so I can move on GP said the reading 44 is high but she seen higher count than that which makes me feel good it’s not to high count I now is should below 10 just fed up hearing the word cancer I know GP as too say the word and all things that could be but scared to say the word myself anyway thank you for your support I will ring up to chat with a nurse or someone soon take care thank you 

  • Hi Jaonnarie, 

    I hope your colonoscopy went well. I have just had a fit test of 200 and due to have the colonoscopy. Thought I'd reach out and see how's yours went. 

    Hope all is well

  • Hi yes I had my colonoscopy on Thursday found polys from 3mm to 13mm I not had them taken out as I am on blood thins medication I was off them for 6 days before colonoscopy but the doctor wants me off them for 9 days before he takes them out said no sign of cancer in bowel but the polyps will have to be sent off to be 100 % as some can be pre cancer ones ?? So I am waiting for a new dated now for a second colonoscopy have you got a dated yeah ? The worse thing was the drink they send you remember stay near the toilet mine was start at 6pm and 9 pm up most of the night use wet wipes to help too the flush ones it’s a worrying time I hope you have yours soon please keep me updated here for a chat anytime