Theraputic mammoplasty

3 weeks ago I went for my theraputic mammoplasty and lymph node clearance. It's been a roller coaster few weeks. After the anesthetic and morphine wore off I stated to feel like myself again.

The sensation under my arm all the way elbow has been one of the weirdest things. Numb, sore, tingly, electric. It is now easing as I go.into week 3 . I still can't raise my arm . 

My breast looks amazing, that of a 20 year old. One pert, one by my belly , I can't think about the other one being matched as I want to get on with  the  scars still have the tape mostly on but what I can see looks good. The muscle inside is tender and I find it uncomfortable but not painful. 

Tomorrow i find out how it went and what treatment I will need, not looking forward to it but I know whatever I am told I will do .

I am ready to get on with living my life.

  • Hello Peachycheeks and welcome to the community.

    I'm glad to hear your recovery from your therapeutic mammoplasty and lymph node clearance has been going well and I hope you received good news at your appointment.

    If you have any questions about what was discussed yesterday, do feel free to give our team of cancer nurses a call on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5pm. They're very insightful and will do all they can to support you and address any concerns you may have about what happens next.

    Hopefully some of our members who have been on this journey will be along soon to offer their support and advice, but in the meantime, we're thinking of you Peachycheeks and wishing you all the best with the next part of your treatment.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator