Two at a time: my husband died of pancreatic cancer and I've been diagnosed with breast cancer

My husband died of pancreatic cancer in March 2024. A week after his funeral my doctor referred me to breast check as I had noticed some changes in one breast. The result was positive for cancer. Less than 2 months later, I have already had surgery for lumpectomy and will shortly begin radiation treatment. I am told that my age, as an older woman (79), has slowed the progress of the cancer and I that can expect to recover over time. 

I am astonished at the speed and quality of my treatment to date and deeply grateful to the medical staff who have set me on the road to recovery. So far so good, except that my best friend, my husband, is no longer here. There is a big empty space where he should be.

  • Hello MaryJo9, 

    I am so sorry for your loss: I can imagine your husband no longer being here leaves a bit empty space and it must have been so hard just a week after the funeral to have been through breast cancer tests and then to be given the news that it was cancer. It sounds like things moved fast for you as within two months you had your lumpectomy and will soon be having the radiation treatment. It's great news that they are expecting you to recover over time. I am so glad you have received such great care - it sounds like you have a great medical team looking after you. I hope that you also have good supportive friends and family around you to help you get through treatment. 

    You've come to the right place too to meet others who have had a similar diagnosis and who are going through or have had similar treatment and I hope that they will be along shortly to share their story with you. We're all here for you anytime you feel a little lonely or just want to talk to others who understand. 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator