My husband has been told that he has squamous cell carcinoma


My husband is very unwell, and has had to travel many miles for scans over the past few months. He has been told that he has 'squamous cell carcinoma'.

My mum was treated for cancer 24 years ago. She had a tumor behind her eye and they couldn't save it and so she lost her eye. Then they found that it had spread into her cheek bone and she had to have another operation and her skin was taken up from her breast to her face to rebuild it. She was and still is such a beautiful lady and drives all of her neighbours about for shopping, doctors or hospital appointments. She is amazing!

Getting back to my husband. We have to go London soon  to meet up with the surgeon and team to discuss what is likely to happen, now that they have seen his latest MRI scan.

He is adament that he doesn't want half of his face removed 'like my mum'.

We also have a 30 year old son who has autism with us and so we have to consider him.

Thanks for listening.

  • Hi rosieken, 

    I am sorry to hear that your husband has been very unwell and has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. I hope he is not too exhausted after travelling for miles for scans to get a diagnosis. Your poor mum it's sad that she lost her eye and that her face had to be rebuilt - she does sound like an incredible lady though being so active despite everything she has been through. 

    I hope that it all goes well for your husband in London and that the appointment with the surgeon will shed some light on what the next steps might be. This is a difficult time of uncertainty for you both and I hope that you will find out more about his treatment options. I hope that your son is ok and has not been too impacted by the news. There is information on our website on types of skin cancer where you will find a short section on Squamous Cell Carcinoma and it is mentioned there that "SCCs don't often spread" which I hope you will find reassuring. If you wanted to talk things through with one of our cancer nurses, don't hesitate to give them a call on this free number 0808 800 4040 - their line is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and they will be happy to answer any questions to help you feel prepared for the appointment.

    There are many other members of this forum who have been diagnosed with SCC and I thought I would mention  's recent squamous cell carcinoma thread which you are welcome to respond to if you wish to connect with other members who have been affected by SCC. 

    Fingers crossed you find out more very soon and that treatment will be a total success for him!

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator