10yrs diagnosed with melanoma

Hi, I just found this forum. My 10yrs son has just been diagnosed with melanoma. It's such a shock. He had a wart removed from beside his eye over a month ago. We had no idea it could have been anything more sinister. He had a wide excision last week and a sentinel node biopsy. Both tested positive. Waiting on a pet & mri scan now. We are devastated and terrified. Wondering has anyone else got through this and come out the other side?

  • Hi Teddie10,

    It's rare for a child to be diagnosed with melanoma but I have a friend whose son was diagnosed Stage 4 at 16 years of age. He is now almost 29 so there is hope. Also, melanoma treatment has come on in leaps & bounds since then. If you don't mind I will send you a friend request - if you accept it I can send you a private message with more information. I'm out for the rest of the day but I will get back to you later this afternoon. Take care,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009) 

  • Thanks AngieT, I have accepted your friend request. It's a very rare diagnosed. Thanks for sharing about your friends son. That gives me hope. My son is stage 3. Hopefully the scans won't show anything different.