Ovarian cancer

I have stage 3 ovarian cancer. I have had chemotherapy which has reduced some cells and now they want to do a historectomy in about 3 weeks time. I'm very anxious as they have told me it will be at least a 9hour operation removing everything even my appendix.  Then they might give me a bath of warm chemotherapy while open for about 90minutes.  Has anyone gone through this procedure please..

  • Hello 1703195074,

    We have some information on surgery for ovarian cancer, including the preparation before and after, which I hope is useful and other members might be able to share their experiences with you. You could contact your medical team and they can address any issues you have and we also have a team of cancer nurses available. If you wish to speak to someone, call on the freephone 0808 800 4040 and lines are open 9 to 5 Monday to Friday.

    All the best,

    Moderator Anastasia