Recently been diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ, Breast Cancer.

Im absolutely terrified as I have my lumpectomy operation next Tuesday ,21st May. Will my breast be a different shape? What will the pain be like?, will I be able to get up and walk about? I’m so worried about the operation, I feel sick with nerves. 
Like everyone else, I was so shocked when I got the news. I’m also very concerned about the Radiation therapy/ chemo after. 

  • I know it’s worrying but you will be fine I’m sure. In 2019 I had a lumpectomy, was home later in the day. Was a bit sore and had to do arm exercises to keep the mobility. Did find a decent bra was helpful. Got a front fastening one from M & S which was comfy. Radiotherapy was some months later, had 15 sessions over 3 weeks. Wa okay just felt quite tired with it. All best wishes to you nd hope igoes well. Have now been diagnosed with breast cancer in the other breast. Going to see Consultant tomorrow for treatment plan and to see if chemotherapy is needed.Wont sleep much tonight 

  • Thank you so much for your reply, I’m so sorry to hear that you have now been diagnosed with cancer in your other breast.  I totally understand when you say you won’t sleep much tonight. I do hope you get positive news tomorrow.  You are such a positive thinking person.  I’m so worried about next Tuesday, take care. Thank you. 

  • Thanks for your lovely message. Will be thinking about you next Tuesday, keep in touch x

  • I had my lumpectomy last Wednesday and I am pleased to say that the left breast (with cancer in it ) looks almost identical to the right one. Surgeons can perform miracles! Mine told me there would be a slight indentation but she could uplift it so it matched my other breast. It might be slightly smaller as the result of the operation but I can see no significant difference. The pain is bearable and you will be given painkillers. I was prescribed codeine tablets along with paracetamol. I only took them for one day because I felt bloated and constipated. I now take an occasional dose of paracetamol if the discomfort keeps me awake at night. So far this has only happened once. 

    Do not worry. You will be able to walk about but take some rest in the first few days. I have continued to do light housework and apart from some discomfort I am making good progress with arm exercises.three times a day.

    I too am concerned about possible chemo and/or radiotherapy plus tablets but that is for another day! I shall know what is in store for me on the 24th May but I am putting that at the back of my mind and just concentrating on getting fit enough to drive our car and go for an afternoon outing to a local cafe.

    The hospital will take good care of you and I am sure you will be surprised how well you will feel afterwards.

    Best wishes for the 21st.

    Anne x

  • Thank you for your reply Ann. It has given me reassurance. It is all so frightening when you hear the “C” word. I’m so anxious about it all. I think this Cancer chat forum is great as it helps to ease your mind a little when you realise you are not the only person going through all this. You are all very supportive which I think is amazing. Thank you for your kind words and reassurance. 

  • Good luck for next week but I'm sure you will be fine. My lumpectomy was last August and lymph node removal was in October. wounds have healed well and my breasts look very much the same. going through long term endocrine and  adjunct therapy and as long as you look after your health and rest when tired (afternoon bed now normal) I am coping well. 

  • Offline in reply to MaryT19

    Hello Mary 

    sorry to jump on thread I’m so sorry you are facing this again ok 2 years ckear but always have the worry of it returning wishing you well x love Lara x 

  • That’s what I am so worried about too. It returning. The closer it’s getting to my operation; the more anxious I am becoming. It’s great to hear that you are 2 years clear. I hope it stays that way for you. 

  • Granny 

    thank you so much xx 

    when are you having your operation loveky are you having a lumpectomy ? Xx 

    love Lara xx