Positive bowel screening result

Hi, I am new to this forum and just wanted to ask a few questions. I did a bowel screening test a few weeks ago and got a letter saying they had found hidden blood in the sample and wanted to do a colonoscopy.

I am obviously worried about what they'll find but also I have had a hysterectomy and a pelvic repair which seems to increase the risk of a perforated bowel according to what I've read. Can anyone tell me more about this.

Many thanks

  • Hello Sandiana

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently dealing with some ongoing health concerns. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about the bowel screening results. 

    At this stage, it's impossible to say what may have caused the raised result as it could be any number of things. 

    If you'd like to talk through your concerns with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that you don't have to wait too long for your appointment and that the team can give you some reassurance. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thanks Jenn

    The colonoscopy is booked for next week so I will just have to hope it's not a bad outcome.