Fit test over 400- should I be worried?

My GP rang me to tell me my stool test result were ‘concerning’ and they would be in touch with the gastro team asap to see what would happen next. Both qfit and faecal calprotectin were raised but calprotectin wasn’t dangerously high or anything. Calprotectin is 126,

I got a call from my local hospital telling me that I’d been put on a 2 week wait pathway for a colonoscopy- it’s happening this Sunday. I spoke to my GP last week as I’ve been feeling very unwell the past 2 weeks and I’ve been worried about vomiting up the prep … she told me that my qfit test results shows my levels are over 400 and it’s important that I try to keep as much down as possible so they can see my bowel well.

My main issues are: nausea and vomiting daily, constant tummy pain that gets really bad after eating, constipation, bloating, extreme fatigue and there’s usually maroon-ish coloured blood mixed in with my stool. I’ve been iron deficient for months too (my levels are 7) and my ferritin is almost at 500- idk if they could be linked to my bowel tho.

I’m really scared- I know here in Northern Ireland/UK what a 2 week wait referral tends to imply they’re looking for. Are there any other things that can cause qfit levels of over 400?

  • Forgot to add- I’m 28F and also have gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility.

  • The FIT only tests for blood in your stool and lots of things can cause that. At your age, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's would be more likely than cancer. I doubt they are checking only for one thing. A colonoscopy will check for all of them, so right now they probably have an open mind and just want to know what I is causing it. The two-week wait is because cancer is a possibility, so they want to get the test done quickly. It doesn't mean they think cancer is the most likely possibility, just that it can't be ruled out at this point.