Nipple discharge

I’ve got a routine mammogram tomorrow. And I have had a nipple discharge from my left breast for the last 10-11 months. 
I was going to make an appointment to see my gp about it.

but tbh  kept hoping it would disappear 

just wondered if I could mention it tomorrow. Or do I am I better making an appointment threw my gp

  • Hi Kazzie

    To be honest, I would do both.  Not sure whether with the routine screening they have the ability to flag up issues on the report.  But I think that It definately needs flagging up with your gp as you have had it for so long.

    Hope that it all sorts out for you.



  • Hi I would definitely mention it tomorrow ,they'll probably ask you anyway if you've had any problems so just explain then so they can take a closer look ,if they see anything untoward you will get a recall to go get it checked out further .