Hello from a hospital ward

Hi, I am, or was till not so long ago, an active woman in her later sixties. I was enjoying life at 61, having just done a month’s trip to Thailand and Cambodia. My hubby and I were luxury end backpackers!

Then, on a holiday in Assisi, Italy, I had bleeding so as soon as home, shot to the docs. Cut a short story even shorter, by December 2018 I had been diagnosed with Womb Cancer- a rare and aggressive type too - USPC.. fitter thing I found on Google was that it accounted for only 5%of cases but 95% of deaths! Great - lesson learned there - stay offf Google! I had a radical hysterectomy and sentinel lymph nodes tested. 
Turned cancer hadn’t spread beyond wound - apparently. So all good- we planned another trip to Soith East Asia and this time stayed for 3 months. Fabulous. Fast forward to 2022 and I suddenly started to feel heavy and bloated. Yep, the blighter was back. This time on my colon, peritoneal lining and lung. Thus followed a course of chemotherapy. Not easy but ok. I embraced a head wrap look

i was really well and getting very active again, when I recognised the signs of its return. Just 4 months after finishing chemo. This time we tried immunotherapy and right now I wish I hadn’t bothered. It made me with side effects and did no good at all.

i started it in late November and was due for my monthly review last week. I had been ill for a week with severe bloating, exhaustion, nausea , no appetite and couldn’t eat much at all. Choking on all food and even drink. I had bloods done Tuesday at 9am and by 2pm I was told I needed to be in hospital by a consultant and that my kidneys were in danger of failing. I had an Acute Kidney Injury. Into hospital for urgente hydration and treatment for my mouth, throat and sickness. Also removal of ascites fluid which was giving me breathing problems and much pain.

So it’s now Sunday and I’m still here. Not likely to be discharged till Tuesday or Wednesday but happy to alive and starting to kick again.

so that’s me! Hello I am married to a great guy, have 4 kids and 13 grandkids ranging from 24 to 3. My aim is to see the youngest into school. Any more days are a.bonus.

looking forward to taking part in the forum and to meeting others

  • Good Morning  

    Welcome to the forum. I didn't want to read and run. You are an inspiration my dear, that's some roller coaster you've been through. I am pleased to read that you have travelled well and blessed with a large family. I have no doubt, with your strength, you'll see the youngest start school and more. 

    I hope the hospital staff are looking after you and you'll be back home soon xx