Husband’s possible prostate cancer relapse

Hi there, my husband is 77. He was treated successfully 10 years ago with HDR brachytherapy/radiation and hormones. Gleason 9 Tc3 at the time. Currently very fit and well. 

He’s had regular PSA checks every year, the latest one last week. Missed call from GP today asking him to call the surgery re results but found message too late this afternoon to call back. He’s checked his NHS app and the record says: Rising PSA Ca Rx? Refer to urology. He’s pretty philosophical about it and says he feels absolutely fine in himself but selfishly, it’s me that feels absolutely floored! I’ve not shown my concern in front of him, but I’m gutted for him that having been through all the treatment and it’s all behind him, it looks like he’s going to be back on the treadmill, or possibly worse.

I’m not sure I know what I want to ask or say really. We had so much planned for the next year and he was so excited. I’m sorry to be so negative, but I’m still trying to process what the future might hold.

Thank you for reading this. I really appreciate it.

  • Hi there, seems I replied but didn’t press send So pleased to know that R has no side effects from the drug regime. 
    I really do think that loss of control is one of the biggest hurdles to be overcome and perhaps it’s more challenging for most women who are used to continually planning and keeping many balls in the air / irons in the fire etc. I do envy our husbands‘ ability to be so positive!

    We have had some good news in that L’s PSA result showed it had gone down 1.1 from 3.5 to 2.4 so going in the right direction which was such a relief. The nurse specialist seems unconcerned and has asked for a further test in 6 months. So I feel we have dodged a bullet once again and can return to normality for the time being 
    Your appointment must be any day now so please let me know how it goes. Sending all good wishes to you both xxx