Thank god its done ......

I had my Colonoscopy on Tues,,,,,,,,,, after a fit test of 200 , all the doctor found was a very small polyp , which he removed,,,,,, he siaid I had very good bowels. I will get the results in 2 weeks,,, I don't understand why my fit test came back so high  :( , the care I received was fabulous from start to finish when I got a very welcome cup of tea and a biscuit, Thank you to the hospital, x

  • Hello Hariett, 

    Well done for getting through the colonoscopy on Tuesday and what a relief it must have been for you to find out that all the doctor found was a very small polyp and that this will be swiftly removed.  And being told you have very good bowels is a rather good sign! I hope you are not too anxious waiting for the results and that you will find out more as to what explains your FIT test coming back so high. Your doctor will be able to tell you more I am sure. 

    I am glad you received such wonderful care at the hospital. Isn't the tea and biscuit the best kind of reward afterwards? Never did a cup of tea and a biscuit taste so good I bet! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thnk you Lucie, it was  not as bad as I was expecting, in fact I almost cancelled, glad I didn't though, this site has helped also, so thank you xx

  • That is great news Harriet.....what relief you must be feeling!  Sending my best wishes to you, xx