Endometrial biopsy


i am new to this and really don’t want to be here but at the moment circumstances dictate 

at the age of 61 and on cchrt I have had some spotting that has not stopped even though I stopped taking HRT 3 weeks ago the spotting is less but still there it has always been infrequent in these 3 weeks

had scans and have been told lining of womb is 8mm 

have an endometrial biopsy on Wednesday and am so scared what the results will be 

cannot focus or concentrate on life at all feeling sick all the time and loss of appetite just worrying all the time 

just wanted to share this on here don’t know why 

thank you for listening 

  • Hiya…there is always someone to listen xx I was in this place just over 3 years ago, I know exactly where you are, I sat in my room and googled my head of and went down some dark routes. I’m 59, and yes I had endometrial cancer as I spotted just once. But here I am 3 years later. This spotting doesn’t mean anything at this point. My 2 sisters spotted on hrt and last month both clear.. my best friend not on hrt spotted every month for 6 months and she to was ok, so please try not let fear take over at this point..wait till results are in then you will know what path you will walk..if u need to talk I’m here.

  • Hi Mario

    thank you for taking time out of your day to contact me it means alot

    its so frightening to be here but it was lovely of you to reach out 

    I have been to hell and back mentally with this hopefully tomorrow the biopsy will be over and then it’s the waiting game again 

    I am trying to keep positive but that fear keeps kicking in 

    I am glad to hear that  you have come out the other side of your diagnosis and hopefully are living your life to the full and enjoying yourself again 

    If you don’t mind me asking What was your diagnosis and the plan that was set out for you 

    Thank you again for reaching out x

  • Your welcome xx a lot of good people stepped in to help me in my bad days,  so I’m laying it forward . I was stage 1b grade 3…I had no lymph nodes involvement or travel, so had 4 brachertherapy. 10 minutes at a time over 2 weeks…which again wasn’t as bad as thought.

    i think u will be scared till all ur results are in, you feel free to friend me if u need to talk, I feel like no one understands unless they have been through it, I hope tomorrow goes ok for you .

    is hard not to fill with anxiety but remember this all may be nothing x