Brain tumour panic!

I don’t really know whether this is the right place to post but, here we are. 
I’m a 30 year old Mum off two; work for the NHS and see a lot of poorly/palliative people in my job. 
I’ve had generalised numbness and some tingling down my left side for about 6 weeks, accompanied by major fatigue and dizziness when standing - though I definitely don’t drink enough water. These are my ONLY symptoms. No headache, no seizures, no loss of power. However I’ve managed to wholly convince myself I’ve got a brain tumour! The anxiety is eating me alive and I’m looking for encouragement I guess. 
Doc is arranging an MRI but that’ll be weeks away. 

  • Hello Holly2604.  There is no point in anyone telling you to 'pull yourself together' or to 'calm down' because this thought that you have a brain tumour has sort of taking over your thinking.  I understand what that is like, to be consumed with fears that have no logical basis in fact.  You simply can't wave a magic wand and make these invasive thoughts disappear.  What I can tell you is that there are MANY illnesses that mimic the same characteristics of cancer, and it really could be a multitude of things that are causing your symptoms.  Have you got any family or friends that you can talk to about your fears?  Talking about our worries with other people is always comforting.......a problem shared is a problem halved as the saying goes.  Also, try to keep busy (although I am sure that you are already extremely busy with two children to take care of).  I wish you well, and I really hope that these horrible thoughts will leave you alone, take care x.