Self Employed Partner of Patient

Hello all,

be a turbulent week of diagnosis, my wife has lymphoma and we are currently undergoing the biopsy stage. We are feeling very well cared for and positive as is plausible. 

Maybe a little early because we don’t know the full treatment plan yet but likely 6 months of chemotherapy.

I have a few specific questions:

1. We have been advised that it might not be wise to send our 11 month old to nursery (his first day was meant to be this week) as he will be a little germ sponge and it seems like if kiddy gets sick, parents get sick & this could be a risk during my wife’s treatment. Does anyone have experience with this and how did you manage? 

Second question is related to this child care situation.

2. I am a self employed sole trader and have living costs insurance (for if I became unable to work through illness or injury). In the case that we can’t send our boy to nursery I think child care and partner care will take up most of my time. Does anyone know if I can claim living cost support if I talk to my GP and get signed off through the rough months ahead? 

Thank you for your support,

lots of love to all


  • Welcome to the forum Sam although I'm sorry to hear your wife has been diagnosed with lymphoma.

    Many of our members with little ones will know of the dangers picking up an illness whilst having chemotherapy can pose, so I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice, but if you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, they are available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to answer your questions and figure out the best way around this.

    I hope this information we have about the different types of financial support you and your wife may be entitled to will be useful as well, but for further information and advice, it may be worth getting in touch with Macmillan, as they have financial advisers you can discuss this with.

    I'm sure some of our members will offer their thoughts and advice to you on this as well, but in the meantime, we're thinking of you Sam and wishing your wife all the best on this journey.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator