HPV/CIN diagnosis - does anyone else have a small lump above their ankle, and experienced excess fluid during/after intercourse?

Hello. I am trying to work out if the lump that grew above my ankle is related to when CIN1 was developing in my body. If there is anyone reading this with a HPV/CIN diagnosis, and you have the lump, please tell me!! I reallly want to know if they are connected. Also, if anyone else has experienced excess fluid during/after intercourse - and if this should be a listed symptom of CIN2? I now know of one other - just curious if there are more of us - and if there are enough - if someone might look into it?!? A list of real symptom experiences would be useful.. :(

  • Hello

    I'm sorry to hear that you have some concerns about a lump that has recently grown above your ankle. We would always recommend that anyone who develops a new lump/growth or has concerns about an existing lump speaks with their GP about this to rule out any diagnosis that needs further investigation. 

    Hopefully other women who have had a CIN diagnosis will reply to your question about fluid/discharge to share their experiences. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hi Jenn. Thank you for your reply. The lump has been seen and ignored by a gp dr. She dismissed it as nothing. But, it is itchy and painful at times, and although I have said this out loud, nothing happened. I believe it is related to CIN based on timing, but without knowing if anyone else has this, how can I argue with a gp dr to do further investigation? I can't even get a gp dr appointment atm. It is impossible. Hence my turning to ask here. I have found other forum threads on other sites about the ankle lump and CIN, but noone has returned to update on what happened to them. Feeling lost, and now, a tad more let down by the nhs than before - because you are right Jenn - it should be checked.... Could I screenshot your reply and take it to the reception team of my gp surgery please? I might get some help then. They may take my concerns seriously if someone else agrees I should be seen............... :(