Prostate cancer or motorbike saddle

I'm awaiting a biopsy following raised PSA results and an MRI scan which showed lesions in my prostate gland. 
I'm clutching at straws, but I'm wondering whether there may be an explanation other than cancer.
Towards the end of last year I did a gruelling 16 week motorbike trip from London to Cape Town on a rock hard saddle. Long hours nearly every day, often on very poor "roads" - or fully off-road. 
Does anybody have any experience of motorcycle travel producing symptoms which might be mistaken for prostate cancer? 
And at my age (73) is it really worth painful investigations, treatment and the risk of becoming a career patient? I have got other things I would prefer to do while I am still fit, even if that shortens my life. 

  • Hi Chris and welcome to Cancer Chat, although I'm sorry to hear you're currently waiting for a biopsy. This must be a rather worrying and anxious time.

    I hope you hear back from some of our members soon but if you'd like to discuss this further with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and will do all they can to address your concerns and answer any other questions you may have in relation to this.

    The charity Prostate Cancer UK may be able to help as well.

    I hope you won't have to wait too long for your biopsy Chris, and that the results bring good news when they come through.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Biopsy cancelled at the last minute.
    Physical examination showed that my prostate is inflamed, so it's probably not cancer.
    Looks like it might have been the motorbike saddle after all.