Steve - can anyone help with these symptoms I've been experiencing 10/11 months on from being told I'm cancer free


Small intro. im steve guy 64  was diagnosed with eosophageal cancer back in may 2023. caught at stage t3 hadnt spread any further. 

Had 4 cycles of chemotherapy then ivor lewis op then another 4 cycles of chemotherapy. to date I have been told that I am now cancer free.

I feel I have been very lucky with quick diagnosis and treatment from the doctors and nurses.

I am now 10/11 months on and things are getting better.. still one or two things that remain a niggle.

One being half way through a day I suddenly lose all my strength and energy and go completely weak all over get a pain in the centre of my back liver side for a while

then I find myself wanting to snack quickly for about 15mins.symptoms gradually then go.

Can anyone shed any light on this for me as it seems to be happening more and more.


  • Hello Steve

    I'm sorry to hear about your diagnosis last year but it's great to hear that the treatment has been so successful and that you're doing well. 

    I wanted to ask initially if you've spoken with your GP or hospital care team about the symptoms that you've described. If not then please do speak to them to get things checked. 

    You might find it useful to post in this thread as well where we have a number of members who have been through treatment for oesophageal cancer. Hopefully you will be able to connect with other members who can share their stories with you. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

    I hope that your health continues to improve Steve. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator