stevie - Looking for advice about care & support

hi folks   feel like a bit of an intruder here, hope you are all ok and wish everyone well.   i was just wondering frankly where to go to get some assistance with getting my son a shower as he is finding it increasingly difficult to step over the bath.  he has had a childhood cancer and as a result is disabled. he is now 23 and lives still at home with us (mum and dad)  stephens cancer was a ewings sarcoma.  we live in glasgow.     all the best folks and any advice will be welcome,  thanks   stevie.

  • Hi Stevie,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. No need to feel like an intruder, we are more than happy to try to help with this.

    This page from Macmillan about equipment and home adaptations may help. There is also some information from the NHS about home adaptations.

    For those based in Scotland such as yourselves, you might find this information about home adaptations from Disability Scotland more appropriate.

    Lastly, I wanted to link you to the  Scottish Government website where this some useful content about housing adaptations.

    Hopefully some of this is helpful.

    Best wishes,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • update   hi all and hope everyone is ok,  the exhaustive appealing to macmillan and local council and cancer journey etc etc. regarding my sons need for a shower adaptation has resulted in us being offered a couple of handrails !  he is in need of a shower as he cant get his leg over the bath!!  plus he is 23 and doesnt want to feel like he is 73.   i must say that after giving my £5 a month to cancer charities for years in the belief that they were offering real assistance to people suffering with disabilities due to cancer i am now very dismayed.   my son is no further forward!     so folks, dont expect too much in your hour of need i am very sad to have to say.   i think about you alot folks and i wish you all happiness and health.      stevie.

  • Hi have you tries Social Services or even your own GP might be able to get the ball rolling , its going back a few years but my Father in law needed help with a few things like that and his daughter got in touch with Social services they came out and assessed him and before long they came out and made adjustments to his bathroom which made life easier for him .

  • thanks jenny, hope you are well.  you go down all these wormholes jenny and seem to get absolutely nowhere, its a shower he needs!

  • Can you not get a wet room shower, I have to wheel my wife into the wet room on her commode, but she then can enjoy a shower in privacy, until she needs me to get her back out . 

  • I should add that our bathroom is a wet room, but you should be able to get help to convert your bathroom to a wet room. I know what you mean about getting help , it's a bit of a hard deal , but keep at it and persevere, adult Social care is your best first contact. Hope this helps . Best wishes.

  • I know it must be so frustrating especially to have waited patiently and only to be given handrails ,I would definitely ring social services today and explain the situation , as Garyanto says keep on at them and ask them to come out and see the problem ,sometimes you have to show people before they understand , also some of these companies on TV that advertise the walk in baths do assessments and can act on your behalf if you qualify ,you just need to keep asking until you get what your son needs and deserves .