Stage 4 bowel cancer with liver metastasis

In 2023 at the age of 49 I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and Liver metastasis.

I started losing a lot of weight very quickly 4 stone in about 4 months which I thought was fantastic until I started thinking that my lifestyle hadn't changed so why was I losing all this weight.

I went to my doctor who took blood tests which showed I had iron defiance anaemia, he then wanted me to do a FIT test, it came back negative.

The next step was a colonoscopy and a endoscope, sadly the colonoscopy found a tumour in my bowel.

Further tests, MRI, CT and a PET scan showed lesions on my liver which turned out to be Liver metastasis.

I have had chemotherapy and a bowel operation, I am now waiting on a liver pressure test to see if they can operate on my liver. 

Everything seems to take so long but I will keep battling on.

  • Gosh, that's a lot to take on board. I'm sorry you're having to go through this. It's a roller-coaster:  scans, waiting for results, waiting for treatment etc. I hope you have lots of support and people are being kind. x

  • Firstly,  I  have medical coverage as part of my employer contact. I joined a friend for a golf tournament in Thailand. We used this visit to have a comprehensive medial check. Found that my blood work was unusual and I was scheduled for Colonoscopy and endoscopy the following day. They discovered a tumour and I was scheduled for an operation the following day. Recovered for 5 days and few back to the UK. Cancer had metastasis to my liver and it took 5 weeks to arrange Chemotherapy. I've undergone 11 treatments so far. Side affects have varied every time and I've normally felt good to go after the first 3 to 4 days. Unfortunately the cancer is at stage 4 and treatment is only deemed as life enhancing. Always looking for other treatments which may change the outcome,  but I don't let this get in the way of living a useful and rewarding life with my family and some goals I had before this happened....