Prostate Removal Question

Hi Fellow Members.

I am 64 years old and recently diagnosed with prostate cancer.

I"m trying to be optimistic, or at least trying to compartmentalise everything, others may say I'm being like an ostrich...!!!

I'm currently waiting for a PSMA PET Scan before consultants talk to me about treatment, but although I've stayed away from Google (Google will not be my friend), I've been reading a few of these posts (which is great to have... so thanks) and notwithstanding my scan results, I'm convinced that I'm going to go for prostate removal, as opposed to other treatments... Whip it out and be done with it... hopefully.

After all, I've learnt that hormone, followed by radiotherapy treatments can be a quite long-winded process when talking about getting one's life back together. Moreover, if cancer does return, its unlikely that I'll be able to have the prostate removed. Whereas if I have removal and cancer returns, then therapies are still generally on the table... please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.  

Therefore, as I see it, to get back to a normal (or as normal as possible) life as soon as possible, this option seems to be more favourable with removal... again, please, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

My real questions are, with this treatment option, what timeframes might be involved with:

  1). Being pain-free and up walking around again.

  2). Driving.

  3). Riding my motorcycle.

  4). Getting back to work (delivering 7-hour classroom training sessions, and truck driver training).

I know it will all depend upon a lot of different variables (how long is a piece of string some will say).  However, it would be really helpful having some rough idea, so I can at least try to plan my life, at least a little.

I know I'm being a little optimistic on this (maybe a little selfish or self-centred to ask)... but to be honest, I've always lived by "...hope for the best, but plan for the worst...".

Any help or advice will be most appreciated.

  • I f i had my time over again with PC i would have the Prostrate removed  but that also depends on your scan results , my PC had all ready got out into the left pelvis area.

    I do not think it would take ages to recover from your Prostrate being removed ? King Charles. There could be HT & RT after the removal but that`s down to your Urologist.

    The HT =hormone treatment can be bad but most are ok on it, the HT stops testosterone from reaching any cancer cells as that`s what they feed on , the lack of Testosterone can lead to High Blood pressure , which was the case for me , other things for me was weeing for hours on end at night then having to go for RT= radio therapy the next morning for 24 days . Lots of other things from HT but not all suffer from. Your results are important and so is being pre armed with information before you go for those results and any therapy package you Urologist offers. There is unfortunately Post Code health in this as some NHS areas offer different types of therapy, I wish i had known then at the start of my journey what i know now, i now face more Hormone Therapy for APC= advanced prostrate cancer , for that there is no cure, i have not been offered any more type of targeted therapy, so do your home work and ask questions,

  • Hi Stiga

    I can't thank you enough for your response, I'm sorry to hear about your personal  journey and I hope things improve for you.

    Best wishes.

  • Hello Busker123 , just a reminder for you , google actually is your friend and these forums are, my condition can only get worse so be aware of that, i`ll say again do not fall down the hole i fell down , i should have gone for my first diagnosis { after the scans } armed to the teeth with knowledge of any thing i could find , copy& paste to word pad and print them off to take with you to the consultation ,  note this one i eat milled flax seed as it is known to act like Hormone treatment , HT more or less tells the brain to stop producing Testosterone , ? weird hey,  years ago there most likely was castration for PC , i do not know if they had HT then but even without HT the Testosterone would decrease and ? some most  may have suffered high blood pressure because of that. I was not offered the removal of the Prostrate but! if i had done my home work i would have gone for that, but in my diagnosis i had cancer in the lymph node out side the Prostrate so then that is regarded as aggressive, that and the withdrawl of HT because of Angina cause mine PC to spread to advanced PC.

  • Sorry for the delay in me responding to this thread.  Firstly, Stiga sorry to hear your bad news about it becoming 'advanced'.  I can say that I've now had my prostate removed and I'm glad that's over.  I'm told that the operation went well, although still waiting for the histology results to come back for confirmation.  Apart from the incontinence and the catheter (the latter, what an experience), the worst thing has been the frustration of not improving as quickly as I'd like... However, that's me being selfish I suppose, because like others it could've been a totally different story for me, so despite those aforementioned issues, I'm totally grateful to everyone involved... including this forum for the support.  I think I've been quite lucky in terms of pain and discomfort, although it still feels as though I've slipped off the pedals of a bicycle and landed on the crossbar... not so much dramatic pain, more a sense of feeling uncomfortable pressure between my scrotum and rectum, which I wasn't expecting and nobody told me about.  Still, the operation was only a month ago so I imagine this kind of thing is only to be expected. Once again, I must say that I feel really lucky to be where I am right now, and grateful that I've had my prostate removed.

  • I had my prostate removed in 2009 it was 8 on the Gleason scale and no key hole was available at the time so was a 4 hour op.

    I think removal is the best move mine has recently returned in my lung and I am now on hormones as yet side effects aren't to bad just some hot flushes I am now 73 and it hasn't stopped me doing anything active just been lifting turf in the garden .

    My hospital has been A1 all the way

    Most of all think positive.