Breast cancer

Hi all

Just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Waiting to have a marsectomy any advice would be welcome

  • Hi  I'm so sorry you are going through this, it's tough isn't it.  My first chemo wasn't great due to severe vomiting but the nurses have been amazing tailoring my anti sickness drugs so when I had round 2 I've had no vomiting which has help so much as I found it completely debilitating 1st time around.  Physically and mentally I'm struggling but I try and write everything down, I take long walks with my earbuds in with loud music.  Be kind to yourself, let yourself feel however you want to feel and its OK to get a bit mad & sad .  The main thing I've learned is there's always something that can help wether its extra medication, a quick chat with someone, having a good cry.  I hope your Chemo goes OK. X

  • Pleased to hear that your second chemo went well and that sickness is now under control. I think as much as we prepare for the hair loss, it is still hard to deal with when it happens. Hope your wig fitting goes well and you find something that you like. Xx

  •   how are you getting on? Hope your treatment is going OK.  My 3rd chemo should be this week but it's being pushed as I ended up with neutropenic sepsis after my last one was in hospital for 5 days was awful. X

  • So sorry to hear that you ended up with neutropenic sepsis, that is just awful. Hope you are now feeling much better. It's a shame that your third chemo is now delayed, do you have any idea when you will be able to have the next ones? I had my second chemo last Monday and so far all has been good, with minimal side effects. I have my port being fitted on Wednesday, which I'm a little nervous about, but will make things easier moving forward. Also have a thorax ct scan at the end of the month. It's to check a couple of small lung nodules they found at my last ct scan. They did say they have seen a lot of theses nodules since covid, I'm hoping that's all it is. It's obviously always a worry that the cancer has spread and  it's awful having to wait so long to find out. Last EC chemo is on the 15th April, then move onto docetaxel, which is apparently harsher. Will have to wait and see how that goes. Hope things go better for you after your next chemo, keep in touch. Xx

  • Thank you rumpelstiltskin

    I've had  a mastectomy and axerilery node removal 3 wks ago. Healing quite well waiting to see surgeon Thursday. Feeling nervous as not knowing what to expect as in further treatment.

    Thank you for your help as you said difficult not showering properly but found ways around that. It's difficult to get comfy just after surgery but it does get easier.

    At the moment I don't want to look at my scar. I know it sounds silly but that is me. It's nice to talk to other people who have been through the same and the advise is very helpful. I've rested when I felt tired and found that very benifical.

    I wish you well and hope your treatment is going well.

    Thank you again for your reply xx

  • Hi sandy 

    I had mastectomy before Xmas and it took me a while to look at scar but I knew it was dry so I massage it every day . I too had lymph node removal and it’s a worrying time waiting results and treatment . 
    It does get easier but you need time it’s a big operation and you need to adjust . I struggle a lot with it as having one large breast niw and nothing is so surreal . 