Breast cancer

Hi all

Just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Waiting to have a marsectomy any advice would be welcome

  •   thank you.  Feels so overwhelming I've only just got over my mastectomy but I know I have to get through it.  Do you mind ne asking what type of Breast Cancer you have - only if you feel comfortable telling me.

    Thanks for being so kind and I'm sorry we are in the same boat x

  •   how did your Chemo go? I have my first one this morning and I am really scared - haven't slept a wink. X

  • Hi Angus, sorry I must have missed your last message and also got your name wrong previously. This text is so small, looks like I'm getting old!

    I have two areas of invasive ductal carcinoma and low grade cells in breast tissues. It has also been found in 1 lymph node. It did come as quite a shock as had a mammogram only 14 months ago I am ER positive, PR positive and HER2 positive, so will need chemo and Herceptin  My chemo is EC-T, 3 cycles of EC then 4 cycles of T (Docetaxel). I had my first cycle on Monday which went really smoothly. Side effect have been minimal so far. I had a headache yesterday that I couldn't shift, but this is not unusual for me anyway. I went out for 40 minute walk with hubby to get some fresh air. I was also able to cook dinner with no problem. I've had no sickness so far which is great, although on lots of anti sickness tablets for first few days. Will have to see how it goes when they're finished. I also have an injection from day 4-10 to help boost white blood cells, hubby going to do this. It's the Docetaxel that I'm more concerned about, the side effects seem a bit more unpleasant. After chemo I'll be having a mastectomy, radiotherapy, followed by 5-10 years of hormone blockers. I hope all goes well today, I'm sure you'll be well looked after. Please let me know how you get on. Xx

  •   how are things going with you?

  •   the chemo itself went OK but I've had the most horrendous sickness - violent vomiting could keep any medication done.  I ended up having to get an antisickness injection last night.  I've woke up today feeling rough but just trying to keep my meds down.  Struggling to eat anything - hoping going forward they can get this under control for me.  How are you doing? X

  • Hi there sorry to hear this . I’m sane but had my mastectomy Jyst before Xmas 2023 was so dreading but it’s the lymph nodes that were more painful . My only advice would be to take each day as it comes and focus on the recovery and healing yourself and don’t move on too quickly like I did ! Hope it goes well for you 

  • Hi Angus201, sorry I haven't kept in touch, forgot to bookmark this thread. Hope you have been doing OK since your chemo, and sickness didn't last too long. My side effects were minimal after 1st cycle, just hoping it will be the same after next cycle, which is on Monday. My hair started falling out on day 14, which did upset me, even though I knew it would happen. I took control and went and had my head shaved, number 4 with the clippers. Have now worn my wig for the first time and have also got lots of lovely hats to choose from. I'm feeling much better now, especially as the anticipation of losing it has gone. Hope all goes well with your next treatment. Xx

  • Hi SANDYDEES53, how are things going with you?

  • Hi Angus101, how are you getting on with your chemo? I’m getting a start date for mine on Monday. Will be having the same course of chemo and plan as yourself. I’m 6 weeks post mastectomy with diep flap reconstruction. Chemo frightens me not sure how I’m going to cope physically and mentally with it.

  • Hey  I've had my 2nd chemo now and got to say the nurses were fantastic they introduced another anti sickness drug into my regime so no vomiting this time which makes all my other side effects more manageable.

    My hair is coming out in handfuls now which I'm finding hard, I need to shave my head but I can't find the courage.  I have my wig fitting tomorrow so I'm hoping that might cheer me up a bit.

    Hope you're doing OK. X