confused - how do you cope with the wait for biopsy results

my dad died in my arms when i was just 15yrs old, grandad, uncles and cousins died of cancer and my eldest brother last yr 

I have had colonscopy large polyps found and removed understand im not the only person in this weird world to have this but the waiting timeof biopsy results is pardon the pun killing me..know been told spleen and lungs are not working how do you all cope with the waiting game  sorry coped with my family the most horrible thing for me was dad he was security guard brick *** hse in size then at 15 he was 8stone..i have lost 6 stone in 3months my mind is like a wash machine on speed ????

  • Hi mastermariner,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm sorry to hear of everything you've been through when you were younger and recently, it sounds like a lot to deal with.

    There will be many others here who understand the difficulty of waiting for results - it's never easy and the uncertainty can be difficult. Hopefully you have been given an idea of how long to expect to wait. If it goes beyond that time, you can always call the hospital to check.

    Try to keep busy while you wait and take things a day at a time, and I hope you're able to find out more soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator