charlie - about to start radiotherapy for throat cancer. Has anyone else had the trial drug Ceralasertib?

i am about to commence radiotherpy for throat cancer, i will also starting the  trial drug Ceralasertib

is there anyone who has been on the trial

also what side effect have been expedience from radiotherpy on the throat

  • Hi Charlie,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I have had a search of the forum and it doesn't seem that there are any other discussions about Ceralasertib unfortunately. Perhaps others with similar experience will search and see your post at some point.

    We have some information on our website about possible side effects from radiotherapy on the throat, in case this is useful. If others here have anything to add then hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Ben

    thanks for doing a search on this, i have started radiotherapy, only 34 to go. do you know if anyone has done this number of treatments.. will up my post and ask the question

    kind regards

  • Hi Charlie,

    I can see that you've posted another thread this evening which hopefully you will get some replies to but in the meantime, I wanted to let you know about this thread. As you'll see there are a lot of posts from people who have had treatment for various oral cancers. I'm sure if you posted on that thread you would be able to chat with others who have been through this treatment and can share their advice and experiences with you. 

    I hope this helps and wish you well for the next 34 sessions! 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator